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Current events Fall 2006  
Summer 2006
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Bastille Day 2006 - Fireworks

Visual Aid Celebrates Bastille Day at Hotel des Arts!
On View: "Fireworks", a Visual Aid exhibition of paintings by Martine Jardel exploring abstraction through richly layered color fields of vibrant hues.

July 14th, 5:30-10:00 pm

Fun, contemporary artwork will be featured in the Silent Auction, ending at 8pm. Items in the auction will include paintings by David Huffman, Tim Yankosky, Anders Barth, Mitch Confer, Roni Feldman and Inez Storer.

This event is co-presented by the Alliance Francaise of San Francisco, the San Francisco French-American Chamber of Commerce, and Artnewsextra.com. Martine Jardel's art work is shown courtesy of Micaela Gallery. Visual Aid will be co-sponsoring the event and all proceeds will go to their cause.

Hotel des Arts
, 447 Bush Street (at Grant Ave), San Francisco
For info: (415) 777-8242


"Soledad is gone for ever" silent auction

Silent Auction and Cocktail Party Benefit to support the finishing of "Soledad Is Gone Forever", a film about a woman's journey back to her childhood during the Pinochet era in Chile.

press release (pdf 17ko)
flyer (pdf 91ko)

Friday, June 23rd, 6:00 to 8:30 pm

New College of California, Cultural Center, 766 Valencia St. at 19th St.
Contact: Mabel & Cesar (415) 614-9697 haikufilmsorg@yahoo.com
Event is free to the public


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